NEA: New Environmental Sanitation Regime from 30 Jul 2021
29 Jul, Thu
High cleanliness and hygiene standards are some of the first lines of defence against public health threats. From 30 Jul 2021, the new environmental sanitation regime, which introduces mandatory baseline environmental sanitation standards, will be rolled out progressively at higher-risk premises with immuno-vulnerable occupants and at premises with high footfall. More than 3,000 of these specified premises, such as eldercare facilities and schools, are expected to implement the regime by 1 Mar 2022.
NEA has worked closely with various sectoral leads, such as MSF Singapore and Early Childhood Development Agency, to develop these sector-specific standards. To ensure that these standards are met, greater responsibility will be placed on appointed Premises Managers and Environmental Control Coordinators (ECCs) from these premises. About 350 ECCs have completed their 2-day training to develop the environmental sanitation programme for their premises. With baseline standards in place, we can together keep Singapore clean and safe for all. Learn more: